A letter to my little sister

Dear Chimney,

You watched Annabelle yesterday, the scariest movie you have ever watched. I remember you as a scared little kid afraid of going to the bedroom because the lights weren’t on. I remember me as a not so brave sister taking you to sleep, myself equally scared. These stories sound funny now. They weren’t back then, atleast for us!

It was at that time that it struck me that you have grown, a lot more than I could have comprehended back then. And now is the perfect time for some pebbles of experience from my life which you can use anytime you want. (The letter further might sound like a lecture to you but bear with me :P )

Life must be really exciting for you now, in the peak years of your graduation. Whatever your friends, classmates, seniors might tell you, study really really hard. You might think that grades don’t matter much, but believe me my dear, they do. Especially if you are aspiring for higher studies. Studying not only awakens your curiosity, it also broadens your horizons. It develops your power of analyzing things and helps you look at different perspectives of life. I know watching good movies and playing too hone your skills, but there is no substitute for studies, atleast for you now!

Friends become an integral part of your life in hostel. The hard truth is most of them are going to leave you. Only a few countable ones remain faithful and those are the ones that you should treasure. But that doesn’t mean that the moments you spent with others were wasted. They become a part of your experience and good (sometimes bad) memories. The fights, the cries are going to make you laugh a few years down the lane. May you experience every bit of it.

Nothing ever goes wasted, not if you know how to recycle and reuse. This may sound like something taught in science but this applies to life as well. I know you are killing it in extra curriculars. Grab every opportunity that comes your way and make the most of it. It might be a mundane presentation or some boring volunteering. Trust me, you are going to enjoy it a lot once you go for it with full heart.

Lastly, never stop believing in the power of love. Be kind to everybody, help somebody and trust very few. Life may fail you sometimes but you should never fail life! Never ever give up on yourself however tough the situation may seem. Never lose hope. As the Shawshank Redemption quote says, “Hope is a good thing, perhaps the best of things and no good thing ever dies.” Believe in the power of your goodness and good things will come back to you.

As you expand your horizons, keep carving your ambition. It keeps changing, atleast in these years. The picture might not seem clear now, you might not even know what it is! If you keep painting your canvas, you will be surprised how beautiful it will turn out in the end. That is the beauty of uncertainty! May your goals grow with you and you paint the most amazing picture of your life.

You can always count on me.



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