Splitting the Wood


Rusty, the woodpecker was envious of Peach, the peacock. Why wouldn’t he be? Peach had luscious green feathers whose beauty no passer-by could comprehend! He danced his way into everyone’s hearts with his moves. He got all the attention and appreciation from girls. Rusty thought to himself, “I may not be that beautiful. But I have something than no one else can have. My talent and conviction of splitting the wood. I will make myself more likeable than Peach.”

With this thought, Rusty started working on the trunk. He carefully chose the biggest trunk in the bird sanctuary. One whose wood isn’t too old to be rusty (pun intended!) and isn't too young to be frivolous. He worked on it day and night. Peach made fun of him, saying “Who hurt you? Why are you taking your frustration out on the poor tree?” All the birds in the sanctuary talked about his madness. But Rusty was relentless. After a few days, the trunk started taking shape. Rusty had turned it into a magnificent sculpture. Slowly, crowds started gathering to see his creation. After al
l, it’s not every day that you get to see a wooden sculpture carved by a woodpecker. It was unheard of, truly one of a kind! Rusty had gotten famous.

Envy and Jealousy are vicious traits. But if acted upon in the right direction, can bear many positive fruits.


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